Government of Yukon

Highways and Public Works

Access to Information & Protection of Privacy
Gives people a formal method of requesting information from Yukon government departments. Individuals can also request corrections to their own personal information contained in Yukon government records. Find application forms here.

Accident Claims
How to file a claim against the Yukon government.

The Aviation Branch develops and operates 4 airports and 25 aerodromes. Find listings and contact information here.

Asset Control
The Material Management Unit helps government departments, agencies and crown corporations manage and dispose of publicly-owned property.

Bid Challenge
Bidders and proponents (contractors) can voice complaints about the tendering process and provide input on correcting any possible inconsistencies.

Building Design Standards
Performance criteria, preferred materials or methods, and other considerations for the design and construction of Yukon Government buildings.

Community Radio and Television Service
CBC-TV and CBC-FM radio are provided to communities not serviced by CBC.

Contract Services
Advertises public tenders and requests for proposals, issues and processes tender/proposal documents, manages the preliminary review of bids and proposals, and administers contract insurance, bid deposits, contractor payments and holdbacks.

Dangerous Goods (Transportation of)
For more information contact:; by phone at 867-667-3032 or 867-667-5920 or 1-800-661-0408 local 3032 (toll free within the Yukon)

From time to time, the Yukon government has goods it can no longer use. It donates these to registered non-profit groups that apply in writing. Note that most of these goods need some repair and servicing by the group receiving them.

French Language Services Directorate
Provides translation for Yukon government departments and information on French language services.

French Language Training (for adults)
Schedules, course descriptions and registration forms.

Gazette Subscriptions
Get copies of the Yukon Gazette from Queen’s Printer (Legislative Subscriptions) or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Works with its customers and the private sector to provide services in the areas of land and resource information, mapping and surveying, geographic information systems and remote sensing and image processing.

Hansard Search
Get copies of Hansard from Queen’s Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Highway Weight Restrictions
Restrictions are subject to change on short notice. Find out more about legal vehicle weight limits here.

Legislative Documents
Get copies of legislative documents (including Hansard, Yukon Gazette, Statutes and Regulations) from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Office rentals
Contact this office to rent space to the Yukon government.

Public Tenders
See what projects are in tender now.

The central authority for buying goods for all departments and agencies. Supports the development and expansion of local manufacturing by purchasing local products when feasible and economically viable.

Road Report
Daily updates on Yukon road conditions.

Road construction
The Transportation Engineering branch of Highways and Public Works is responsible for road construction.

Source list
You can register online for the Source List, a directory of contractors, suppliers of goods and services, and consultants who want to do business with the Yukon government.

Telephone book (Yukon government staff listings)
Search for employees online or get copies of the government telephone directory from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Tendering Forecast
Search online for all projects that might be tendered in the current fiscal year.

Translation (French)
The French Language Services Directorate provides translation services for Yukon government departments and provides information on French language services.

Transportation Permits
Permits for access roads, freight vehicles, oversize and overweight vehicles, bus, fuel permits and more...

Weigh Stations
Whitehorse and Watson Lake weigh stations. Outlines what permits you will need and their fees.