Government of Yukon


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Highway Weight Restrictions
Restrictions are subject to change on short notice. Find out more about legal vehicle weight limits here.

Labour Services
Labour Services educates employers and employees about the Employment Standards Act, answers inquiries about the Act, investigates wage complaints and more.

Land Claims
The secretariat has information on the Umbrella Final Agreement and individual Yukon First Nation Final and Self-Government Agreements and Implementation Plans.

Land Lotteries/Tender Information
View the latest information on government land lotteries in the Yukon and find out how to pick-up a copy of the tender information packages.

Land Planning and Zoning
The Community Land Planning branch assists rural communities outside of municipalities with community plans, rezoning and new zoning regulations and subdivision applications.

Land Titles Office
The Yukon Land Titles Office registers all titled land within the Yukon and guarantees the accuracy of all titles. All original land titles and documents for properties in the Yukon are registered and stored at the Land Titles Office.

Land and Land Use Applications and Information
The Lands Branch accepts applications to sell, lease, develop and use land under Yukon government control. Applications and land use Information Sheets can be downloaded from this page.

Landlord -Tenant Act
Information about renting and complaints about breaches of the Landlord - Tenant Act are handled by Consumer Services. Arbitration of a dispute is also available.

Lands Maps and Survey Plans
View Community Lot Sale Maps, Legal Survey Plans and the Land and Mining Parcel Viewer.

Legislative Documents
Get copies of legislative documents (including Hansard, Yukon Gazette, Statutes and Regulations) from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Includes public libraries, government libraries and school, college and education-based libraries.

Library cards
Library cards are available from any public library in the Yukon. Permanent residents can apply for a card with one piece of Yukon identification. A $10 refundable deposit is required from temporary residents.

Licences - Professional
Consumer Services manages licensing for many professions including, but not limited to: insurance, collection, real estate, security guards, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors and second-hand dealers.

Liens - Personal Property Security Registrations
Search for public notices of liens, or registered security interests between secured parties (creditors) and debtors.

Liquor ID Card
In Whitehorse, get a liquor ID card from Motor Vehicles at 308 Steele Street. In Dawson City, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo and Watson Lake, get liquor ID cards from the liquor store.

Liquor Inspectors
Working with licensees, permit-holders, and liquor consumers, Liquor Inspectors promote compliance with the Liquor Act and Regulations through training, education, inspection, discussion, and enforcement.

Liquor Licences
A liquor licence is required to serve or sell liquor to the general public.

Liquor Permits
A Reception Permit is required for serving free liquor at an event. Non-profit organizations can apply for a Special Occasion Permit to sell liquor at an event.

Liquor Service Training Program
Be A Responsible Server (B.A.R.S.) is a free training program offered to licensees, premise managers, servers, and permit holders that can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. It is available in-person or in a self-study version.

Liquor Stores
Yukon Liquor Corporation manages six liquor stores throughout the Yukon. Prices are the same across the territory.

Lot enlargements
Provides authorization to use public lands to enlarge properties.

Yukon Native Language Centre
The Yukon Native Language Centre is a training and research facility which provides a range of lingustic and educational services to Yukon First Nations and to the general public. Find out more about Yukon language, culture and history.