Government of Yukon


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Adult Probation
Probation is a court order that authorizes the offender to remain at large in the community subject to conditions prescribed in a probation order.

Licences - Professional
Consumer Services manages licensing for many professions including, but not limited to: insurance, collection, real estate, security guards, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors and second-hand dealers.

Liens - Personal Property Security Registrations
Search for public notices of liens, or registered security interests between secured parties (creditors) and debtors.

Palaeontology Program
Inventories and curates Yukon fossils and conducts research on Yukon’s ancient life and environments.

Yukon parks range from recreation parks for camping to Wilderness Preserves and National Parks that have been established to protect the ecological integrity and biological diversity of the territory.

Pharmacare & Extended Health Care Benefits (for seniors)
Helps registered senior citizens with the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, eye care and medical-surgical supplies and equipment.

Placement and Support Services (for children)
Includes adoption, foster care, services for children in care, child abuse treatment and child care services.

Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women
$100,000 yearly for programs and events designed and developed by Aboriginal women for their communities. Works to eliminate violence against Aboriginal women.

Product Development Partnership Program
Stimulate the development of niche tourism products, facilitates tourism workshops and builds capacity throughout the Yukon.

Products and Prices - Yukon Liquor Corporation
Liquor price list and new product announcements can be found here. You can also fill out a suggestion form for new products.

Property taxes and assesment
Provides current, accurate and equitable property assessments to taxing authorities.

Public Guardian and Trustee
Protects the legal rights and financial interests of children, acts as guardian of last resort for adults who need financial and personal decision making, and administers estates of dead and missing people if there is no one else to do so.

Public Schools
The Public Schools branch manages the operation of public schools, including Catholic schools. The branch provides curricula and learning materials, language programs in both French and aboriginal languages, professional development for teachers and more.

The central authority for buying goods for all departments and agencies. Supports the development and expansion of local manufacturing by purchasing local products when feasible and economically viable.