Government of Yukon


Community Health Centres
Listings and phone numbers for Community Health Centres in Yukon.

Crime Prevention for Seniors
Protect yourself from fraud and be safe in your home and in your community.

Flu Shot
Between October and December, Yukon residents are being encouraged to get their flu shot. Flu shots are free for all Yukon residents.

Hearing Services
A complete range of audiology and hearing aid services to Yukon residents of all ages.

Housing programs for seniors
Seniors' home and yard maintenance program, senior's lending library and seniors' social housing.

Pharmacare & Extended Health Care Benefits (for seniors)
Helps registered senior citizens with the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, eye care and medical-surgical supplies and equipment.

Retirement Planning (for public service employees)
A guide to help you with some of the basic components of retirement planning.

Seniors Income Supplement
An income supplement of up to $100 monthly to low income seniors 65 years and over who are also receiving the federal old age security (OAS) and guaranteed income supplement (GIS).

Seniors and Elder Abuse
Help is available for seniors/elders experiencing abuse or neglect.

Social Housing
For individuals, families and seniors "in need" who cannot secure affordable, adequate and suitable housing on the private housing market.