Government of Yukon


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Highway Weight Restrictions
Restrictions are subject to change on short notice. Find out more about legal vehicle weight limits here.

Water Resources
This section administers water-related policies, regulations and programs under the Waters Act (Yukon).

Weigh Stations
Whitehorse and Watson Lake weigh stations. Outlines what permits you will need and their fees.

Whitehorse Correctional Centre
The Whitehorse Correctional Centre is a 85-bed multi-level Territorial institution. It is the only correctional facility currently operating in Yukon.

Wildlife Viewing
The Wildlife Viewing Program will help you find the best places, and give you tips about how to look, where to find out more information and what else is out there that you might not have noticed.

Winter Activities Fund
The Winter Activities Fund gives money to communities to offer winter programs that are fun and provide training and jobs for young people.

Women's Directorate Resource Library
More than 2,800 books, reports, manuals, journals and video are availble for borrowing by the public. The library is open to the public during regular business hours and material can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Women's Groups
Find listings for Women's groups, shelters, transition homes and Women's Centres.

Worker Safety
Worker's rights, responsibilities and more...

Worker's Advocate
Advocates on behalf of injured workers. Main duty is to advise workers and dependants of deceased workers on the workers' compensation process, and the meaning and effect of compensation claims.