Government of Yukon

Yukon Housing Corporation

Accommodating Home Mortgage Program
Helping build homes that are easier to enter, get around in, interact with, and adapt for future needs.

Green Home Programs
Programs and funding options designed to enhance home energy efficiency, increase affordability over the long term and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Home Ownership Programs
Bridges market gaps in the availability of home financing and encourages the construction or conversion of housing that is environmentally or people friendly.

Housing Education Programs
For home buyers, owners and owner/builders. Also for industry professionals.

Housing programs for seniors
Seniors' home and yard maintenance program, senior's lending library and seniors' social housing.

Industry Partnering Programs
Rental rehabilitation, rental suite program and the joint venture program.

Residential Energy Audit - Energy Guide
Certified EnerGuide energy auditors, available through the private sector, provide high-tech information regarding your home to help you decide on repair and energy upgrade options.

Social Housing
For individuals, families and seniors "in need" who cannot secure affordable, adequate and suitable housing on the private housing market.