Government of Yukon word mark - link to homepage Department of Community Services

On-Line Vehicle Registration Renewal Form

Required fields are indicated by "*"
Renewal Information Click Here for help finding the information
This information is found on the registration renewal form that was mailed to you.
Owner File #: *
License Plate: *
Renewal Fee: * $
Do you require a new plate?   Yes No  

New address(if different from renewal form)

Street # and Name Apt #
City Province/Territory
Postal Code

Shipping Address(if different from address on form or different from new address )

Street # and Name Apt #
City Province/Territory
Postal Code


Insurance Information Click Here for help finding the insurance information
Insurance Provider: *
Insurance Company Name: *
Effective date: * Year: Month: Day:
Expiry date: * Year: Month: Day:
Policy Number: *
* By checking this box, I hereby give The Department of Motor Vehicles permission to confirm the validity of my insurance with my Insurance Company on the above Vehicle(s).
* Yes, I understand it is an offence, under section 72 of the Motor Vehicle Act, to apply for vehicle registration without valid insurance.
Contact e-mail address: *
Contact phone number: *



Mailing Address:
Community Services
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Community Services
Motor Vehicles Section
(867) 667-5315

Toll free (In Yukon):

(867) 393-7460
Outside Whitehorse call Relay Operator

(867) 393-6220
