Nova Scotia Tourism Regions
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Public Health Promotion


Where do I find Nova Scotia community health information (including Summer safety tips, ticks brochure, etc.?
Are public places within Nova Scotia smoke free?


Where do I find Nova Scotia community health information (including Summer safety tips, ticks brochure, etc.?The Office of the Chair Medical Officer of Health is responsible for the Department of Health's legislated responsibility to protect and promote the public's health in the following areas:

  • Environmental health
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Communicable disease control

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Are public places within Nova Scotia smoke free?Yes as of December 1, 2006 the Smoke-free Places Act requires that all indoor workplaces and public places are smoke-free. The Act also requires that all outdoor licensed areas and patios of all restaurants, lounges, beverage rooms and cabarets are smoke-free. Additional information can be found at the Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection Department.

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