Nova Scotia Seacoast
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Fleur-de-lis / Marconi / Metro CB

Cape Breton Artisan Trail Map
This map will set you on a trail of discovery and beauty with good measures of adventure, charm, history, and old-fashioned fun.  It features 36 of the finest artisans in Cape Breton along with a locator map that pinpoints their studios and workshops.

Casino - Sydney
Take your chance at Casino Nova Scotia in Sydney.

Cossitt House Museum
Drop in for a visit at the Cossitt House Museum, Sydney's oldest house.

Fortress Lousibourg
Be challenged at the fortress gate of the Fortress of Louisbourg.

Glace Bay Miners’ Museum
Go underground and explore the mines at the Glace Bay Miners' Museum.

Louisbourg Playhouse
Indulge in a magical evening of drama, comedy, music and dance at Cape Breton's only 17th century-style theatre.