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Personal information

Thank you for visiting Bonjour Québec’s Web site in order to plan your stay or vacation in Québec and to learn about Québec tourism. Bonjour Québec.com maintains strict safety, privacy and personal information standards. Nonetheless, users are asked to read the "Personal Information" and "Disclaimer" sections carefully.

In using this site, users acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the conditions and liabilities described in those sections.

This section provides information on:

Who Operates Bonjour Québec.com?

www.bonjourquebec.com is jointly operated by the ministère du Tourisme and Bell Canada. It is the Québec government’s official gateway to the Québec tourism industry.

The ministère du Tourisme, is mandated to promote and provide information on tourism in Québec. Bell Canada, a telecommunications company and the ministère du Tourisme's partner in this site, provides the technological infrastructure, operates Bonjour Québec.com’s reservation assistance and e-commerce services.

Bonjour Québec.com is not a corporate entity but rather the trademark under which the ministère du Tourisme and Bell Canada provide www.bonjourquebec.com services.


Laws Governing the Protection of Personal Information

The Bonjour Québec.com site is published in Québec, Canada. Users’ personal information is protected under Québec and Canadian laws. For information on user rights, visit the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec Web site.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Personal information is that which refers to and serves to identify an individual. Unless required by law, Bonjour Québec.com does not disclose any personal information obtained from www.bonjourquebec.com users.

Use of Personal Information

The information collected by Bonjour Québec.com with user consent and consigned to user files serves to send users paper-based or electronic documents, respond to their information requests, forward reservation, product purchase or tourist service requests to suppliers, provide Bonjour Québec.com publication or e-zine subscriptions, and compile mailing or survey lists. This information also serves to determine user habits and interests for the purpose of providing enhanced service in future.

Disclosure of Personal Information

User requests may require the disclosure of personal information to service providers or sub-contractors involved in filling a request (e.g. disclosure of contact information to an organization handling document shipping or to an establishment where the user wishes to make a reservation). If users consent to having their name on mailing and survey lists, it may also be necessary to disclose their contact information to a sub-contractor.

Sub-contractors and service providers outside of the ministère du Tourisme and Bell Canada using personal information held by Bonjour Québec.com are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and may use such information solely for the purposes to which the user has consented.

Bonjour Québec.com discloses personal information only in response to specific user requests or for explicitly authorized purposes. The confidentiality of electronically transmitted information is further guaranteed by advanced security measures.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small data files transferred to your browser by a Web site. They keep a record of your preferences, making your subsequent visits to the site more efficient. The use of cookies is a common practice adopted by most major sites to better serve their clients. Most browsers are designed to accept cookies, but they can be easily modified to refuse.

The cookies used by Bonjour Québec.com are harmless. Users may opt to refuse them but will lose some benefits of the site in doing so. For example, an e-zine subscription cannot be delivered if the user refuses cookies.

Some of our service forms, such as the reservation request, offer an "Automatic Recognition" option that enables a cookie to recognize returning users, who thus avoid having to identify themselves on each visit. Each of these forms also provides an "Automatic Recognition" cancellation function.

Links to Other Sites

Bonjour Québec.com users can access links to sites belonging to other companies or organizations. These links are provided for user convenience only. The ministère du Tourisme and Bell Canada in no way control, endorse or guarantee the sites linked to this gateway and cannot be held responsible for their content or practices, particularly with respect to the protection of personal information and privacy.



Bonjour Québec.com is a VeriSign Certified site. VeriSign certification authenticates the site as belonging to the ministère du Tourisme. It confirms that the site is secure and that information supplied by the user is encrypted when the symbol  appears at the bottom of the screen.

To safeguard data during transmission, Bonjour Québec.com has implemented rigorous security measures to protect users against the loss or unauthorized use of their personal information.

The Bonjour Québec.com server uses the recognized SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, which ensures the privacy of electronically transmitted data.

Another feature is the scheduled deletion of personal information. Credit card information is available exclusively to the service provider or supplier and is stored in encrypted form only long enough to ensure that the transaction has been completed to the parties’ satisfaction. 

That notwithstanding, the ministère du Tourisme and Bell Canada acknowledge only a general obligation of diligence with respect to security and decline any responsibility for loss of confidentiality or system integrity, unless attributable to gross negligence on their part.

Verification, Comments or Complaints

Users may ask to see, correct or delete the personal information in their Bonjour Québec.com file. Requests for verification and related comments or complaints should be sent to info@bonjourquebec.com  along with information identifying the user.

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