Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Québec City’s 400th anniversary celebrations - Québec City 1608-2008 Français
Location: Québec City
Category: Festival / special event
December 31 2007 - October 19 2008
From January to October 2008, Québec City celebrates its 400th anniversary. The entire region will come alive with colorful fanfare, one-of-a-kind exhibitions and shows, and prestigious international gatherings. Four days of spectacular celebrations are planned around July 3, the anniversary date of the city's founding.
Map / Itinerary Accommodation nearby
Telephone: 418 648-8888 (Information)
Toll free number: 1 866 585-2008  (Canada, USA)
Fax: 418 648-0699

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