Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Winterlude Français
Location: Gatineau (Hull)
Category: Festival / special event
February 01 2008 - February 17 2008 (Week-ends only)
Fun is waiting for the whole family: the Rideau Canal Skateway, magnificent snow and ice sculptures, energetic rhythms and performances at American Express Snowbowl and Sun Life Snowflake Kingdom, the biggest snow playground on the continent. Don't miss all this, the cheerful Ice Hogs, and more, at the greatest winter celebration in North America.
Map / Itinerary Accommodation nearby
Telephone: 613 239-5000
Toll free number: 1 800 465-1867  (Canada, USA)
Toll free number: 1 866 661-3530 ATS / TTY  (Canada, USA)
Fax: 613 239-5063

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