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Wag Your Tail ~ Walk Your Dog and be WinterActive
January 18 to February 29, 2008

WinterActive and SummerActive are Canada's annual six-week community mobilization initiatives designed to help Canadians of all ages improve their health and quality of life through healthy living.  The goal is to spread the message that active living, healthy eating, living smoke-free and participation in sports are all key parts of a healthy lifestyle.


Alberta Initiatives

WinterActive Launch event
January 18, 2008 - 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. from Oyen Public School
This year's launch event is being coordinated by the Medicine Hat College Be Fit For Life Centre, an active living agency funded by the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation.  For the first time, the launch event includes the participation of schools across the province through video-conference.  Eight participating schools will select a class to sign-on, introduce themselves and state their school's Winter Active event.  Together, all participants will complete a Winter Warm-up via video conference for 5 minutes and then sign off to continue the celebration by engaging in a winter activity at their school.

Kids tobogganing at the launch of WinterActive in Oyen, Alberta

Winter Walk Day - February 6, 2008

Winter Walk to School Day
Students are encouraged to walk all or part of the way to school.  This event is brought to you by Safe Healthy Active People Everywhere (SHAPE), www.shapeab.ca.  SHAPE promotes Active and Safe Routes to School and its initiatives such as International Walk to School Week by encouraging students to walk or bike to school on a regular basis.

Workplace Walk Day
Active Edmonton, along with Be Fit For Life, Walkable Edmonton, and SHAPE, are taking part in WINTER WALK DAY.
12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (30 minutes) at Louise McKinney Park in downtown Edmonton

Partner with your Pooch
As the obesity levels in pets continue to be a health issue along with those in humans, encourage your friends and family to incorporate the inclusion of walking their dog as a healthy physical activity.  If you don't have a dog, borrow a neighbor's or better yet, invite them to join you for a walk.
7:00 - 7:30 p.m. at Lacombe Park in St. Albert

Alberta Seniors have been encouraged to join us in Winter Walk Day.  It is a great opportunity to launch an older adult walking group, revive an existing one, or celebrate the ongoing success of walkers in your community.  The first 100 Seniors who register will receive WinterActive pedometers to track their on going progress.

Healthy Active School Communities - Winter Edition

This resource has been developed to provide information about promoting and adopting healthy, active lifestyles for the home, school and  community.  The ideas included can be easily modified to challenge students and participants at every age level and support the development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to lead active and healthy lifestyles.  Download copies of this and other Healthy Active School Communities resources in English and French from www.everactive.org.

For more information about WinterActive visit www.winteractive.ca.

Check back often for information on the upcoming WinterActive campaign.

If you wish to receive regular updates on WinterActive please e-mail Pam.McEwin@gov.ab.ca and ask to be added to the list.

Active Living Links
Active Living Agencies
Active Living Resources
Active Living Strategy

Active Living in the Workplace
Children, Youth and Schools
Older Adults

For WinterActive information, contact:
Pam McEwin, Recreation Services Section
905 Standard Life Centre, 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7
Phone: (780) 422-0779 
Fax: (780) 427-5140
e-mail: Pam.McEwin@gov.ab.ca