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Live Outside The Box

Welcome to our website. This is the place for kids, parents, teachers and coaches to get information on being active.

Some kids are already really active. You may know some and you might be one. You play outside during your breaks, you like to try different activities in gym, and you do things after school like dancing or playing street hockey or belong to a soccer team. You like to “Live Outside the Box.

Some kids could be more active. This website will give you information on where to go to get information about being active. The most important thing is to just have fun. After all, everything is more fun when it’s real.

Wag Your Tail ~ Walk Your Dog and be WinterActive
Explore the many ways to have winter fun while  moving towards regular physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco reduction and sport participation with this national community-mobilization initiative.  WinterActive will occur January 18 - February 29, 2008.  For more information about WinterActive visit www.WinterActive.ca

Get your Live Outside the Box Challenge Week Worksheet.

Live Outside the Box Links

For More Live Outside the Box information contact:
Cindy Nield
Alberta Games and Marketing,
101, 525 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0C9
Phone: (403) 297-2909
Fax: (403) 297-6669
e-mail: cindy.nield@gov.ab.ca