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Searched for '"archaeology in nova scotia"'   Results 1 - 10 of about 77. Search took 0.07 seconds.

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About Nova Scotia

Archaeology in Nova Scotia
... different groups of people. Archaeology in Nova Scotia provides a glimpse into
this history. Featured Links: Remembering Black Loyalists ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/arch/ - 6k - Cached

Archaeology in Nova Scotia - Site Pages
Nova Scotia Archaeology Site Pages. Belleisle, Annapolis Co. Birchtown, Shelburne
Co. Debert, Colchester Co. Shubenacadie Canal, Halifax Co. ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/arch/sites.htm - 4k - 2007-07-03 - Cached
[ More results from museum.gov.ns.ca/arch ]

Archaeology in Nova Scotia - Debert Palaeo-Indian site
... "Preliminary Report on the Debert/Belmont Palaeo-Indian Project." In Powell,
Stephen T., ed. Archaeology in Nova Scotia 1991. Nova ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/arch/sites/debert/debert.htm - 9k - 2007-07-03 - Cached

Archaeology in Nova Scotia - Info Sheets
Info Sheets. Infos are leaflets answering some of the questions you most
often ask us. The following online Infos can be printed, for ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/arch/infos/info.htm - 5k - 2007-07-03 - Cached

Fossils of Nova Scotia
... Be sure to visit The Trace Fossils Mystery and Archaeology in Nova Scotia websites
for more information on Palaeontology and Archaeology in Nova Scotia. ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/fossils/ - 9k - Cached

Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage
... or by mail, Special Places Protection 1747 Summer Street Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 3A6 Other resources: Archaeology in Nova Scotia Fossils in Nova ...
www.gov.ns.ca/dtc/heritage/heritage_specialplaces.asp - 10k - Cached

Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage
... and (c) A typewritten preliminary report outlining activities carried out under
permit for potential publication in the Archaeology in Nova Scotia review. ...
www.gov.ns.ca/.../heritage_archaeology_reconnaissance.asp - 40k - Cached
[ More results from www.gov.ns.ca/dtc/heritage ]

Nova Scotia Museum Publications
... CR # 62, 1988, 101pp, illus. $10.00. Archaeology in Nova Scotia, 1985 and 1986.
Edited by Stephen A. Davis, Charles Lindsay, Robert Ogilvie and Brian Preston. ...
museum.gov.ns.ca/pubs/crs.htm - 21k - 2006-07-26 - Cached

Debert Palaeo-Indian site
... "Preliminary Report on the Debert/Belmont Palaeo-Indian Project." In Powell,
Stephen T., ed. Archaeology in Nova Scotia 1991. Nova ...