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Service BC Centres


Where possible, this website provides direct links to make access to government services easy.

Persons unable to access the services or information on the web are always welcome to receive service in person or on the phone at one of our convenient locations across British Columbia.

Call the Service BC Contact Centre 1-800-663-7867 and ask to be transferred, free of charge, to a Service BC Centre.
From Greater Victoria, call 250-387-6121 and from Metro Vancouver, call  604-660-2421.

Community Access Terminals (CATs) are available in Service BC Centres.  These terminals provide improved access to Government programs and services by providing a location in each community where members of the public can go to use the internet to obtain government information, make application to government programs electronically and access a wide variety of information pertaining to all levels of government. If you would like to go directly to the linkages offered through our CATs terminals, click here.

We welcome all of your comments and suggestions:  If you have something you'd like to tell us about, please send an email to:


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