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Data security

Revenu Québec uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment to safeguard its Web site and protect the confidential nature and integrity of data transmitted through its electronic services, particularly Clic Revenu electronic services.

If you use Revenu Québec's electronic services, your computer must be equipped with a Web browser that uses the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol.

Browsers and versions recommended by Revenu Québec

Revenu Québec recommends that you download the following versions:

  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® (128 bits)
    Version 5.5 or later for Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or XP
  • Netscape Navigator™ (128 bits)
    Version 6.2 or later for Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or XP

To guarantee the security of data transmitted online, use the most recent version of these Web browsers.

It should be noted that except for NetFile Québec, our computer systems do not support the Macintosh environment.

What is SSL encryption protocol?

Revenu Québec uses the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data transmitted between your computer and Revenu Québec's server.

Encryption is the process of converting information into a more secure format for transmission. The plain text is converted to scrambled code while being transmitted (128-bit encryption), and then decrypted back to plain text at the receiving end of the transmission.

SSL encryption protocol also verifies the identity of the parties involved (the user and Revenu Québec).

Furthermore, Revenu Québec's servers ensure secure storage of your data.


The various security mechanisms used are effective only if the users comply with the rules listed below.

  • Beware of fraudulent emails
    Revenu Québec does not request information by email. If you receive an email that seems suspicious and confidential information is requested, do not reply. Delete it immediately to avoid disclosing confidential information by answering an email that appears to come from our organization.  
  • Make sure you are on our official site
    Other than fraudulent emails, a thief may use search engines to create links to a Web site that seems legitimate. An Internet user doing a search may click on a link provided by the search engine and browse in the fake Web site.

    We suggest that you make sure that the Internet address (URL) shown is Revenu Québec's official address. You may also type in our address yourself. It is
  • Do not disclose the data used to validate your identity
    You must not disclose any data used to validate your identity, especially your user code and your password. Should the confidentiality of this information be violated, please inform Revenu Québec immediately to avoid fraudulent use of your identity. You should commit your user code and password to memory instead of writing it down. If, however, you choose to print the information out or write it in a document, make sure you keep the document in a safe place.

    We recommend that you modify your password every three to six months and avoid using personal information as your password.
  • Use a firewall
    We suggest that you install a firewall on your computer and make sure it is set up properly. A firewall helps prevent unauthorized access to or from your computer by filtering information coming through the Internet connection into your computer. It will allow in the connections that are known and trusted. 
  • Use anti-virus software
    Your computer can become infected with a virus through email attachments, from free content you download from a Web site or a diskette or other media that someone shares with you. By installing anti-virus software on your computer, you reduce the risk of infection. The anti-virus software can detect viruses and clean your machine so that viruses do not damage your computer or spread.
  • End your session correctly
    Once you log in, do not leave your computer unattended. When you use an electronic service, end your session safely. Use the Exit button provided in Revenu Québec's electronic services, in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Erase your browser's cache memory
    The cache is a temporary memory that enables your Web browser to perform more efficiently by saving locally in your computer the data consulted on the Internet during a session.

    Most Web browsers have a cache memory, but it may be labelled under a variety of names. Consult your software supplier if you do not know how to erase your browser's cache memory.

    Data saved in the cache memory are not encrypted. This is why we recommend that users erase the cache memory after each session in order to safeguard the confidential nature of personal information. This operation is especially important if the computer is shared with other users. 
  • Close the browser
    Once you have finished using an electronic service, close your browser. Closing your browser is the simplest and most secure way of terminating your session. Provided your browser is set up in this way, it deletes all copies of Web pages stored on your hard drive, which ensures that your data cannot be accessed.

Some electronic services require the use of an application or software. For further information on the security of such applications or software, please refer to the material accompanying your application or software.

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