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Electronic services > Notification lists > Notification lists
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Notification lists

To use this service Access to service
Purpose of the service To receive an email alerting you to the latest postings on our site, including new issues of Tax News, new Did you know? items, or fresh press releases
Users Individuals, individuals in business (self-employed persons), journalists, corporations, partnerships and any other legal entity
Conditions for use None

Tax News

A quarterly information bulletin covering:

  • the Québec sales tax (QST) and the goods and services tax (GST) 
  • other consumption taxes 
  • corporation income tax 
  • personal income tax

Tax News also contains texts dealing with the GST that have been taken from GST/HST News, a quarterly newsletter published by the Canada Revenue Agency. The texts in question have been adapted to take the QST into account.

Did you know?

Capsules containing information about Clic Revenu electronic services are regularly published under this heading.

Press releases

All the press releases from Revenu Québec.

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