Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-013
January 21, 2005

Students At Jack Hulland Elementary Celebrate First Nation Culture

WHITEHORSE - Students at Jack Hulland Elementary School will be celebrating First Nations culture during their annual reading week, Jan. 21-28.

"The theme of the week, Celebrating First Nation Culture, makes reading week very relevant to our students," Principal Jim Tredger said. "Not only is reading week this year an opportunity to celebrate reading, it's an opportunity to celebrate First Nations culture."

Students will start off the week with a reading breakfast for students and parents. The breakfast, featuring bannock, is supported by the Food for Learning Program that operates in all Yukon schools.

Students will read extensively on the topic of First Nation culture and learn about button blankets, storytelling, dream catchers and traditional stick games. Guest speakers from the Skookum Jim Friendship Centre and First Nation elders will visit the school over the course of the week to share their knowledge of First Nations culture.

The reading week will conclude with a stew and bannock lunch which will be organized and prepared by YNTEP students and members of Kwanlin Dun First Nation.

"I commend the school in their approach to celebrating reading, because literacy and cultural awareness are so important in life," Education Minister John Edzerza said.

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 Darielle Talarico  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 667-8766  (867) 393-7102

 Jim Tredger, Principal
 Jack Hulland Elementary
 (867) 667-8496