Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-027
February 9, 2005

Yukon Students To Experience French Language And Culture

WHITEHORSE - Vanier Catholic Secondary School students are participating in a language and cultural exchange to Quebec City, through the YMCA National Exchange Program. 

Fifteen Grade 10 French students from Vanier Catholic Secondary School have been selected to participate in an exchange with École Les Compagnons de Cartier in Ste. Foy, Quebec. Students from Vanier will be in Quebec Feb. 6 - 14.  The YMCA National Exchange Program has helped to make this trip possible.

The exchange to Ste. Foy is primarily organized to help students improve their French through their immersion in the culture, the history of Old Quebec, participation in Carnaval and other activities during their visit. Yukon students participating in the exchange will live with French families and become totally immersed in French culture. In turn, students from Quebec will live with a Yukon family during the Yukon part of the exchange.  The Quebec students are scheduled to arrive May 12.

"We look forward to hearing all about our students adventures upon their return from Quebec," Vanier Principal Rosemary Burns said. "This is a very enriching experience for our students both culturally and linguistically."

"Learning about other cultures is an important part of every young person's education," Education Minister John Edzerza said. "Many of our students in Yukon schools have an opportunity to participate in exchanges and travels outside and this is a very positive component of their learning."

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 Albert Petersen  Clea Ainsworth
 A/Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 633-7961  (867) 393-7102
 Rosemary Burns, Principal  
 Vanier Catholic Secondary School  
 (867) 667-5901