Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-045
March 2, 2005

Vanier Students Take Cultural Tour Of Cuba

WHITEHORSE - Students in the Vanier Catholic Secondary School Senior Jazz Band have just returned from a unique educational experience in Cuba, where they took part in a cultural exchange and performance program from Feb. 21 to March 1, 2005.

"The Arts in Cuba program is specifically designed for music students to experience a comprehensive overview of Cuban culture and history, everything from Columbus to Castro. There is a strong focus on the study of the Afro-Cuban contribution to music, dance and the visual arts," Vanier Catholic Secondary School Principal Rosemary Burns said.

The Cuban experience began in Havana where students met and performed with Cuban students and teachers. They also traveled to the Cuban countryside to Pinar del Rio Province.

"The students are very appreciative of the efforts of their parents association and all their families who have assisted with the fundraising for this trip. So many people helped to make this trip of a lifetime a reality," Jazz Band Director Anne Turner said. "Experiences like this are so valuable for students because there’s nothing like learning about music at the source."


 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102

Anne Turner, Director
Vanier Senior Jazz Band
(867) 667-5901