Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-046
March 2, 2005

École Émilie Tremblay Students Travel To France

WHITEHORSE - Grade 8-10 students at École Émilie Tremblay will be traveling to France March 9 for a field trip on French history and culture.

The students will travel for 21 days visiting Paris, Versailles, Normandy (Juno Beach Centre), Saint-Malo, Mont St-Michel, Brouage, La Rochelle, Poitiers and Lancieux, the French home of Robert Service.

"This field trip is as much about French history as it is about cultural studies," Principal Hélène Saint Onge said. "Students will learn about people like Samuel de Champlain and where French emigrants departed for Nouvelle-France, and they will also be immersed in the contemporary culture when they billet with French families."

École Émilie Tremblay students are preparing multimedia and theatre presentations about the Yukon and the contribution of the French Canadians to the Yukon to share during their travels. They will make public presentations to various groups throughout their trip.

"The trip to France will be a rich educational experience for the students," Saint Onge said. "So many organizations and people helped to support the students in their planning and fundraising, and we are very grateful for their support."


 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102

Helene Saint Onge
Principal, École Émilie Tremblay
(867) 667-8150