Government of Yukon


FOR RELEASE     #05-090
April 8, 2005

Yukoners Celebrate Education Week April 11-15

WHITEHORSE - Yukoners across the territory will be celebrating Education Week April 11-15, 2005. The theme of Education Week is "Opening Doors to Lifelong Learning."

"The purpose of Education Week is to create awareness of education opportunities available to Yukoners and to celebrate the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in education," Education Minister John Edzerza said.

During Education Week all kinds of organizations will showcase the many excellent educational opportunities available to Yukoners of all ages and in all communities.

Many elementary and secondary schools, First Nations, Yukon College campuses and non-profits organizations that provide education services to Yukoners will take part in celebrating Education Week.

"Whether it involves attending an open house or participating in a public event put on by one of these education providers, I urge Yukoners to seek out what interests them, find out more and open doors to lifelong learning," Edzerza said.

For more information about Education Week activities in your community check the newspaper on Friday April 8 or visit the Department of Education website, Those interested in Education Week activities are also encouraged to contact organizations directly for information on their events.


Attachment: List of events

 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102

Yukon Education Week 2005: List of Events

April 11- Del Van Gorder School
(Faro) Education Week kick-off barbeque. Del Van Gorder School staff, students, volunteers and community members are invited to celebrate Education Week with a barbeque followed by volleyball and baseball. Del Van Gorder School also has other events planned for Education Week. Call 994-2760 for more information.

April 11 Big Brothers & Big Sisters 
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Yukon is hosting an Open House April 11 from 2pm-6pm. Parents/guardians, kids, or people interested in volunteering are all invited. Drop in to see the variety of programs they have available including their new In-School Mentoring Program. Located at: 305 Wood Street (2nd floor in the Captain Martin House). If you are unable to make the Open House, please call 668-7911 or email

April 11- Individual Learning Centre 
The Individual Learning Centre is hosting an Open House April 11 from 10am-12pm at 407 Black Street. The Individual Learning Centre helps school-aged youth who have dropped out of school to re-engage in school and achieve the requirements to access post-secondary training or work. Drop by and visit the ILC’s flexible and welcoming learning environment. Call 667-8288 for more information.

April 11- Skills Canada Yukon 
Skills Canada Yukon is hosting an Open House on April 11 from 6-8pm at 103 Platinum Road. Parents and their children are welcome to drop by and tour the facilities.
Skills Canada is a non-profit organization that promotes trades, technology and careers as a first choice option for youth. Find out more about apprenticeship in trades. Coffee/tea & snacks will be provided.
Call 668-2701 for more information.

April 11- Yukon Arts Centre  
Lunch Hour Art Gallery Tours. All tours start at 12:15pm and take approximately 30 minutes.
Mark Porter – April 11 -- A retrospective of a life’s work, this exhibit is a tribute to a well-known Yukon artist.  Mark’s work has survived him to remind us of what a talented artist he was, poised to become a master of Northwest Coast Art. This exhibition is organized by the Society of Yukon Artists of Native Ancestry (SYANA). Call Corrie at 393-7109 for more information.

April 12 - Yukon College 

Do you want to make informed career and education choices? Drop by Yukon College’s Education Week Open House for a friendly chat April 12 from 3-6pm at the Yukon College Main Entrance. The labour market needs educated, skilled people. Yukon College staff can help you discover your educational options and find out how much money you can save by starting your education at Yukon College. They will also help you identify what prerequisites you need for the education program of your choice. During the Open House, students and teachers are eligible for a free Microsoft Office XP software package, courtesy of Microsoft's support to the Computers for Schools program. Be prepared to verify your status as a student or teacher if you are a winner. Call Dilys at 668-8720 for more information.

April 12 - Yukon Native Teacher Education Program 
The Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP) is hosting an Open House on April 12 from 3-6pm at Yukon College room A2101.
YNTEP will be accepting applications from both First Nations and non First Nations candidates again this year.  Application packages will be available at the Open House. Application deadline for this program is June 1, 2005.
For more information call Georgina at 668-8781.

April 12 - Yukon Learn 
Yukon Learn will host an Open House on April 12, 2005 at 308 Hanson Street from 11am – 3pm.  Please feel free to come into the Yukon Learn office, tour our facilities and meet staff. In the spirit of Education Week, Yukon Learn challenges Yukoners to submit a drawing or other piece of artwork that represents what “Education” means to them.  Individuals who submit entries should include their name, age, and contact information.  The contest will run for the week of April 11-15, 2005.  Contest closes on April 15, 2005. In consideration of those who live in the communities, Yukon Learn will accept entries postmarked by April 15, 2005.  They will award prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.  Submit entries to: Yukon Learn Society at 308 Hanson Street, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 1Y6. For more information call Michelle at 1-888-668-6280 or 668-6280.

April 12 - St Elias Community School
(Haines Junction) St Elias School is hosting a Parent Information Night on the new Grade 10 graduation requirements.
Call Ruth at 634-2231 for more information.

April 12 - Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation, Robert Service School, L’Association Franco-Yukonnaise, and Yukon College (Dawson City) 
Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation, Robert Service School, L’Association Franco-Yukonnaise, and Yukon College present:  A Potluck Supper & Fun Education Night - April 12 form 5:30 to 8pm at the Tr’ondek Hwech’in Heritage Hall.
Yes! Education is important! Education is fun! Come one, come all, to try your hand at some fun educational activities. All ages welcome.  Don’t forget to bring your favourite dish & potlatch bag! Call Cathie at 993-5385 for more information.

April 12 - Yukon Arts Centre 
Lunch Hour Art Gallery Tours. All tours start at 12:15pm and take approximately 30 minutes.
Barbara Astman – April 12 -- A photographic installation which celebrates the lives and spirit of Jewish orphans that arrived in Canada after WWII. Haunting photographs are projected onto the wall and floor using a variety of processes. Call Corrie at 393-7109 for more information.

April 12 - Takhini Elementary School and Skills Canada 
Grade 7s at Takhini Elementary School will be working on their carpentry skills at Skills Canada (103 Platinum Road) on April 12. Parents of students are welcome. Please call Kelly at the school for more information at 667-3625.

April 13 - Big Brothers & Big Sisters 
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Yukon is hosting an Open House April 13 from 9am-1pm. Parents/guardians, kids, or people interested in volunteering are all invited. Drop in to see the variety of programs they have available including their new In-School Mentoring Program. Located at: 305 Wood Street (2nd floor of the Captain Martin House). If you are unable to make the Open House, please call 668-7911 or email

April 13 - Service d’Orientation et de Formation des Adults (SOFA) 

Vous voulez commencer, poursuivre ou terminer des études postsecondaires en français?
Le SOFA vous offre les services suivants :
• Information sur les programmes d’études
• Aide au choix des cours
• Aide à l’inscription
• Information sur la formation à distance au niveau collégial ou universitaire
• Renseignements sur le financement des études
• Surveillance d’examen sur place
• Soutien tout au long de votre cheminement
Nous vous invitons pour une journée de portes ouvertes le mercredi 13 avril de 11h à 15h au 302 rue Strickland dans le cadre de la semaine sur l’Éducation. Pour plus de renseignements sur nos services, téléphonez au 668-2663 poste 223.

April 13 - Chief Zzeh Gittlit School
(Old Crow) Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation in partnership with the Department of Education present an Education Fair at Chief Zzeh Gittlit School April 13 and 14. For more information call Kim at 667-8665 or 966-3231.

April 13 - Teen Parent Centre 
Drop by the Teen Parent Centre at 1001 Lewes Boulevard (beside FH Collins Secondary School) for an Open House to celebrate Education Week. The Open House will run April 13 from 1-3pm. The Teen Parent Centre is a welcoming place for teen parents and their families. The Centre provides a flexible education program to help teen parents graduate from high school, prenatal, parenting and child care sessions, as well as help with transportation. Call 667-TEEN for more information.

April 13 - Recreation and Parks Association
Yukon Recreation and Parks Association Yukon (RPAY) will be hosting an Open House at their office at 509 Hanson Street on April 13 from 10am-5pm. Find out more about active living and how you can incorporate exercise into your life in a fun and sustainable way. Call 668-3010 for more information.

April 13 Girl Guides of Canada 
Girl Guides of Canada are having an Education Week Open House at their Guide Shop and office in the TC Richards Building (102-302 Steele Street) on Wednesday April 13 from 9am to 5pm. Drop by and sample their delicious Girl Guide cookies and pick up information on their programs for girls from 5 years old to adult. Call Barb at 667-2455 for more information.

April 13 - Yukon Arts Centre 
Lunch Hour Art Gallery Tours. All tours start at 12:15pm and take approximately 30 minutes.
Sobey Art Award Exhibition – April 13 -- The Sobey Art Foundation’s Sobey Art Award is Canada’s pre-eminent prize for a young Canadian artist. This exhibition presents the fresh and innovative works of the 2004 Sobey Art Award winner and finalists. Call Corrie at 393-7109 for more information.

April 14 - Yukon Arts Centre 
Lunch Hour Art Gallery Tours. All tours start at 12:15pm and take approximately 30 minutes.
Sobey Art Award Exhibition – April 14 -- The Sobey Art Foundation’s Sobey Art Award is Canada’s pre-eminent prize for a young Canadian artist. This exhibition presents the fresh and innovative works of the 2004 Sobey Art Award winner and finalists. Call Corrie at 393-7109 for more information.

April 14 - St Elias Community School
(Haines Junction) Students and staff at St Elias Community School will be hosting an Education Week Spring Variety Night on April 14 featuring student performances. St Elias Community school will also be planning a bison feast with meat from their bison hunt completed last week. Call Ruth at 634-2231 for more information.

April 14 - Department of Education 
The Department of Education is hosting an Open House on April 14 from 4pm-6pm. Please drop by to meet Department of Education staff and to learn more about our programs and services. Refreshments served.
Call Clea at 393-7102 for more information.

April 14 - Tantalus School
(Carmacks) Tantalus School is hosting a Community Literacy and Numeracy Tea on April 14 at 2pm. This is a community event. Please join students, staff and parents for a fun afternoon of literacy and numeracy games.
Call Cully at 863-5371 for more information.

April 14 - Employment Central 
Attend a 1 hour information session at Employment Central at 202 – 204 Black Street on April 14 at 1:30pm.
Find out if you may be eligible for financial assistance within the provisions of the Employment Insurance Act. Eligible training may include skill training, adult basic education, or English as a Second Language. Over 100 unemployed Yukoners benefit from this Skills Development Program on an annual basis. Call 393-8270 for more information.

April 14 - Canadian Cancer Society 
Open House at the Canadian Cancer Society office - #2 – 3089 3rd Avenue (Klondike Medical Building) from 11am-2pm. Learn more about cancer and the steps you can take in your life to reduce your risk of cancer.  Meet staff and volunteers, and learn more about the programs and services offered by the Canadian Cancer Society in the Yukon.  Information and registration for the Whitehorse Relay For Life will also be available. Call Mark at 668-6440 for more information.

April 14 - Chief Zzeh Gittlit School
(Old Crow) Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation in partnership with the Department of Education present an Education Fair at Chief Zzeh Gittlit School April 13 and 14. For more information call Kim at 667-8665 or 966-3231.

April 15 - Kluane First Nation and Kluane Lake School (Destruction Bay) To celebrate Education Week, the Kluane First Nation (Health & Social Programs) is hosting a traditional meal for the children at Kluane Lake School on April 15. Following the lunch, the Elders will do some singing and drumming with the students in Southern Tutchone. For more information call the school at 841-4506 or Mary at Kluane First Nation at 841-4274.

April 15 Kwanlin Dun House of Learning 
Kwanlin Dun House of Learning invites you to their Open House April 15 from 1-5pm at the House of Learning (35 MacIntyre Drive). Find out more about House of Learning programs for Kwanlin Dun First Nation members. Call Charlene at 633-7809 for more information.

April 15 - Health Promotions Unit (YTG) 
The Health Promotions Unit of Health and Social Services is offering the sexual health education program, Choices and Changes, on April 15 from 9am-4pm to celebrate Education Week. This program is open to everyone, but pre-registration is required. Choices and Changes is geared towards teaching children at the grade four to seven level. Join Lisa Evans, co-creator of Choices and Changes, and Health Promotions Unit staff for a one-day workshop that will cover all the lessons for Choices and Changes and tips on how to teach the program.
When: April 15, 2005  from 9am - 4pm
Where: # 2 Hospital Rd, Main Floor, Whitehorse
This is a free workshop and lunch is included. Call the Health Promotions Unit before April 13 to register at 667-8563.

April 15 - Yukon Women in Trades and Technology 
Yukon Women in Trades and Technology (YWITT) is offering an Introduction to Silversmithing at Yukon College April 15-17. This Education Week workshop is open to women of all ages.  For more information, call Betty at 667-4441, email or visit

April 15 - Golden Horn Elementary 
To celebrate Education Week, Golden Horn Elementary will have an Education Week assembly and a Student versus Staff Challenge in the school gym on April 15. Call Chris at 667-8130 for more information.

April 15 - White River First Nation and Nelnah Bessie John School (Beaver Creek) 
Nelnah Bessie John School and White River First Nation are hosting an Education Week barbeque featuring family orienteering and other fun activities on April 15 at 2pm. Call John at 862-7802 for more information.

April 15 - Vanier Catholic Secondary School 
Vanier Catholic Secondary School will be featuring a number of exciting events for Education Week.  The Vanier Cup Street Hockey challenge will take place every noon hour during Education Week with the Championship game on April 15.  Afterwards, there will be a staff and student barbecue lunch to celebrate lifelong active living.  Vanier students and staff will host a Spirit Rally on April 15 at 11am to celebrate their basketball teams. The Spirit Rally will include a co-ed seniors and staff game and the raising of the championship banners.  For more information call Rosemary at 667-5901.

April 15 - Staff Development Branch (YTG) The Staff Development Branch of YTG offers a variety of professional skills development courses to both YTG staff and the public. For more information, drop by their Education Week Open House April 15 from 1-3pm at the 3rd floor of the Hougen Centre, call 667-8198.

April 15 - Learning Disabilities of Yukon (LDAY) 
Join LDAY for their Open House April 15 from 12-3:30pm at 1154C -1st Avenue. Call 668-5167 or email for more information.

And watch out for the following Education Week events throughout the week of April 11-15:

Robert Service Elementary (Dawson City) – School-wide celebration of literacy and special activities planned throughout Education Week. Please call the school at 993-5435 for more information.

Jack Hulland Elementary – Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP) students will be working with Jack Hulland Elementary students during an educational and cultural exchange. Call Jim at 667-8496 for more information.

Teslin Tlingit Council (Teslin) – Display of Spring Culture Camp activities at Teslin School. Call Dalelyn at Teslin Tlingit Council at 393-2532 ext. 239 for more information.
Elijah Smith Elementary – Buffalo Feast with meat from the school’s annual buffalo hunt and a Spring Musical. Call John at 667-5992 for more information.

FH Collins - Cultural lunch featuring dishes from the French, Spanish, and Athapaskan language students and teachers. Lunchtime events including: hand games and an open technology shop with snowboard building demonstrations. Call Christine at 667-8665 for more information.

École Émilie Tremblay – Education Week Readathon. Call Helene at 667-8150 for more information.
RCMP (Beaver Creek) - Talks on bike safety and helmet use. Call Mark at 862-2677 for more information.