Government of Yukon


FOR RELEASE     #05-100
April 20, 2005

Students Across The Territory Launch Mission To Mars

WHITEHORSE - Students across the Yukon will see the fruits of their labour when they launch their mission to Mars April. Yukon students are participating in a national project called Marsville which is geared to pique students' interest in science, space and technology.

"Marsville has been running in Yukon schools for the past eight years and every year there continues to be a lot of excitement and momentum around this project," the Education Intermediate Program Coordinator, Terry Markley, said. "For over three months, students have been working as part of a 'mission team' to prepare for the Marsville launch. Students participating in Marsville are learning about space exploration through a number of different curriculum areas such as technology, language arts and science."

During Marsville, students launch their trip to Mars, build large space habitats, display their system research, have a student-made space suit exhibition, compete with motorized computer programmed Mars rovers, and construct a rock sample collecting arm.

"Marsville gives Yukon students the opportunity to use information and communication tools in a real and meaningful way to share research with other students right across Canada," the Education Information Technology Consultant, Cameron Good, said.

"I commend students in the Yukon for participating in Marsville and wish them all the best on the 2005 mission," Education Minister, John Edzerza said. "Engaging students in school is key to encouraging lifelong learning—and projects in our schools like Marsville certainly make the most out of learning."


 Peter Carr   Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Coordinator, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102