Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-177
June 28, 2005

Yukon Students Embark On Exchange To Japan

WHITEHORSE – Thirteen FH Collins Secondary School students are heading off on a cultural exchange to Japan on July 4 for almost two weeks. The exchange is supported by the YMCA Youth Exchange Program, as well as the departments of Education and Tourism & Culture.

"When we open the door to cultural experiences, we also open the door to lifelong learning," Education Minister John Edzerza said. "We consider exchanges to be an important, positive component of our students’ school experience, so they attain inter-cultural skills necessary in today’s world."

"During the course of the exchange students will participate in Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan," said FH Collins principal Darren Hays. "Our students will also attend classes with the Japanese students in Tokai who visited us this year in Whitehorse. This is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to experience Japan through the eyes and interests of Japanese youth."

"One of our travel goals is to help Japanese and Canadian youth develop an appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity," said Helene Hamilton, group leader for the exchange.

During the exchange, students will also tour Kyoto, Nagoya and Hiroshima. They will also visit Mt. Fuji and several Japanese temples.

If you would like to hear and see more about the trip, visit FH Collins Secondary School’s website later this summer at .

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 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth Darren Hays, Principal
 Cabinet Communications Advisor Communications Coordinator, Education FH Collins Secondary School
 (867) 667-8688   (867) 393-7102   (867) 667-8665