Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-205
August 2, 2005

Collaborating To Deliver Unique Training Programs

WHITEHORSE - The departments of Health and Social Services and Education are collaborating to deliver unique training opportunities for people on social assistance.

The Department of Education's Community Training Fund contributed $50,000 so that the Health and Social Services' Social Assistance program is able to provide access to certification and pre-employment programs to social assistance clients.

"This unique partnership provides financial assistance to active social assistance clients whose employment and training ambitions require funding that is unavailable, or only partly available, through other government agencies," Health and Social Services Minster Peter Jenkins said.

"This government is committed to providing Yukoners with the training opportunities they need to succeed in the workforce," Education Minister John Edzerza said. "The partnership between our two departments is an excellent example of how the Yukon government's departments are working together to provide better services and programs for Yukoners."

The application of funds will be divided into two categories:

- Certification courses (up to one year studies that provide certification)
   e.g.  Business Administration, Rig Floor-hand, Class 1 driver's license

- Pre-employment courses (short-term courses needed to secure employment)
   e.g.  H2S Alive, WHMIS, chainsaw operation, First Aid

"The Yukoners who will benefit from this new funding arrangement have had difficulty finding employment for a variety of reasons," said Jenkins. "They will be supported throughout their training by both departments in practical ways, which might include offering day care, counselling, and help with problem solving. Once they've finished the coursework, these clients will work with employment counsellors to re-enter and engage in the work force."

For more information about this collaborative funding arrangement, please phone 667-3673 or toll-free within the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 3673.


 Peter Carr  Pat Living  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications  Communications  Communications, Education
 (867) 667-8688  Health & Social Services  (867) 393-7102  (867) 667-3673