Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-134
June 27, 2007

Government Renews Commitment To Training Heritage And Cultural Workers

WHITEHORSE - Today the Government of Yukon announced continued funding for heritage and culture worker training through two Community Training Funds.

The Heritage Training Fund (HTF) has received $60,000 and will be administered by the Yukon Historical and Museums Association. The Cultural Industries Training Fund (CITF) has received $75,000 and will be administered by Music Yukon.

"Investing in training for heritage workers has a direct impact on our capacity to protect and enhance Yukon's vibrant culture and heritage," Minister of Tourism and Culture, Elaine Taylor said. "The HTF and the CITF will provide targeted training funding for Yukoners who work in the niche profession of culture and heritage preservation, curation and promotion."

"The HTF and CITF provide the kind of training that culture and heritage workers need to take advantage of local employment opportunities," Minister of Education, Patrick Rouble said. "Individuals and groups that work to preserve and promote Yukon's rich culture and heritage can benefit from this funding."

Heritage and culture workers who are undertaking training opportunities to increase their skills and employability will be able to apply to the HTF and CITF, respectively, for financial support. Allocations of the HTF and CITF funds will be made by committees comprised of heritage and culture sector representatives.

"The Yukon Historical & Museums Association is pleased to continue our role in administering the Heritage Training Fund," Executive Director of the Yukon Historical and Museums Association, Rebecca Jansen said. "We look forward to providing Yukon heritage workers with the opportunity to enhance their skills while creating a more employable heritage work force."

"CITF is a hugely important resource for professional development within the cultural industries sector," Executive Director of Music Yukon, Mark Smith said.  "In its history, the fund has provided means for a number of Yukoners to broaden their industry knowledge base, hone skills in specific applications, and adapt to changes in technology that affect how they work on their product and on how they get that product to market."


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Clea Ainsworth
Communications, Education
Rebecca Jansen
Executive Director
Yukon Historical and Museums Association

 Mark Smith
Executive Director
Music Yukon