Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-146
July 10, 2007

Yukon Government Invests In Trades Education For Women

WHITEHORSE - Education Minister Patrick Rouble has announced that the Government of Yukon is providing Yukon Women in Trades and Technology (YWITT) with $75,000 this year to deliver a number of exciting trades education projects for women across the territory.

"Women are underrepresented in the skilled trades and we feel that with targeted investment and promotion, the Government of Yukon can change that reality," Education Minister Patrick Rouble said. "This government is working hard to ensure that all Yukoners get the training they need to take advantage of local employment opportunities."

YWITT funding announced today will support the Young Women Exploring Trades Conference, and workshops and training courses for women of all ages.

"YWITT would like to thank the Yukon government for its support as we continue our important work in educating women about the skilled trades," Betty Irwin of YWITT said.

"Because of our investments in organizations like YWITT, we have seen a lot of growth in the number of apprentices registering with the Department of Education," Rouble said. "The government is committed to supporting this kind of growth because it will sustain Yukon's economy in the long run. We are also working to ensure that the skilled trades workforce is more representative of the territory's population."

The funds are made available through the Yukon government's Community Training Funds. In addition to the YWITT funding, over $78,000 was provided this year to Yukon College to facilitate the second year of the Women Exploring Trades pre-employment course.

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Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Clea Roberts
Communications, Education