Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-148
July 11, 2007

Department Of Education Welcomes Administrators From Across Canada

WHITEHORSE - The Department of Education is hosting the Canadian Association of School Administrators (CASA/ACAS) Annual Conference 2007 and Summer Leadership Academy from July 11 to 15. Over 150 Canadian school district personnel, superintendents and administrators will meet in Whitehorse during that time.

"The CASA Conference is an important annual event for school administrators across Canada," Education Minister Patrick Rouble said. "It's an important time to learn about best practice in other jurisdictions."

The theme of the conference is 'Experiential and Aboriginal Education'.  One of the keynote speakers is James Bartleman, Lt. Gov. of Ontario, who has identified aboriginal literacy and bridge building as one of his major goals. 

"As this year's host, the Department of Education will be highlighting our renowned experiential learning models and First Nation education initiatives," Rouble said. “"By coming together at the CASA 2007 Conference, school administrators will be continuing the dialogue that will strengthen and improve education systems across Canada."

For more information on the CASA/ACAS Annual Conference 2007 and Summer Leadership Academy go to

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Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
James McCullough
A/Communications, Education