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Crown Agencies Secretariat

Crown Agencies Secretariat

The Crown Agencies Secretariat implements the governance framework for British Columbia’s Crown agencies.  With lead responsibility for Government’s Shareholder Expectations Manual and the Crown Agency Accountability System, CAS provides the advice, information, and support necessary to promote good governance, continuous improvement and accountability for Crown agency results.

Our core business areas include:

  • Developing, maintaining and facilitating the implementation of the Crown Agency Accountability System;
  • Providing guidelines and advice to Ministries and Crown agencies on meeting Crown Agency Accountability System requirements, such as Service Plans, Shareholder's Letters of Expectations and Annual Reports;
  • Providing policy advice on governance issues that apply to Crown agencies;
  • Providing performance oversight for Commercial Crown Corporations, including reviews of Service Plans and Annual Reports;
  • Providing advice on the establishment, mandate reviews and dissolution of Crown agencies;
  • Maintaining the Crown Agency Registry; and,
  • Regularly updating guidelines and tools that enable both Crown agencies and government to fulfill their governance responsibilities.

For more information about the Secretariat, please call us at 250 952-0750.