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Questions and answers

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Disponible en vidéoMr. Stéphane Bédard of Québec City has written to me about our infrastructure program, which represents an investment of $30 billion over five years. His question is regarding the debt: Will much of that investment go toward the debt?

Disponible en vidéoThe question from Sébastien Genois of Laval is regarding the economy, particularly the manufacturing sector.

Disponible en vidéoMr. Sinky of Montréal has written to me about the construction of health centres in Montréal.

Disponible en vidéoMr. Jean-Mairet has written to me about our plan to recognize skills between France and Québec, followed by the recognition of professional orders.

Disponible en vidéoMs. Demers from Drummondville has written to me about our $7-a-day subsidized day-care program.


Available in videoI would like to know if Quebec’s budget will be balanced next year or will we need to depend on federal money once again?

Available in videoDid Quebec’s debt increase by $3 billion?

Available in videoWhy are you giving a bigger tax reduction to those who earn over $75,000, when it’s those who earn less that need it most?

Regarding the announcement in the Audet budget on free medication for people on social assistance, will this take effect July 1?

When will we ever be a financially comfortable province to stop having to make difficult choices?

Democratic Institutions

Disponible en vidéoMr. Perron from Gatineau has asked me a question about our democratic institutions.


Available in videoMr Benoît Châteauneuf of Thetford Mines asks a very relevant question given what’s happening right now. He wonders whether we should switch to American currency.


Disponible en vidéoMr. Favreau of Sherbrooke has written to me on the subject of tuition fees. He is concerned about the impact they will have on the future of post-secondary education. Mr. Favreau is studying at the Cégep de Sherbrooke.

Ms. Tremblay, writing from Isle-aux-Coudres, is delighted that we are going back to report cards with marks. She doubts that I will receive her e-mail.

Available in videoMr. Bouchard, a student living in Montréal, is against lifting the freeze on tuition fees. He says that he has to work 15 hours a week during the school year and full time in the summer just to make ends meet, even with the loans and bursaries program.

Available in videoMs. Provencher, who lives in Québec City, asks:  What measures will you take to eliminate junk food from our schools?


Available in videoMarie-Josée Bélanger of Montréal wrote to ask about the new parental insurance plan and the measures for parents who adopt a child.

Available in videoMr. Daigle, writing from Boischatel, informs us that he and his spouse are expecting their fourth child. He would like to see the $35 that the government pays per place in subsidized daycare centres given to those parents who do not use these centres.

Available in videoMr. Perron, who lives in Portneuf, says that the daycare system is not available to parents who don’t work from 8 to 5. What will we do for them?


Disponible en vidéoMr. Ascah of Orford has asked me a question about family doctors.

Available in videoAfter having watched the last documentary produced by Michael Moore, Mr. Rioux, a Montréal resident, is worried that the Castonguay Commission will lead to a two-tier health care system.


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