Fur Farm

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Fur Farm Act:

This Act is applicable to all animals, wild by nature, kept in captivity for the commercial purpose of their pelts. In practice, it applies to mink, marten, fisher, fox, nutria, and chinchilla.

It provides a licensing system for farmers of those animals and ensures animal health standards and record keeping requirements are met.

Each fur farm must pay an annual license fee depending on the number of fur animals involved.

Fur Farm Act: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/ministry/legsum/FFAR.stm

Primary Contact

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Livestock Health, Management & Regulations
1767 Angus Campbell Rd.
Abbotsford, BC, V3G-2M3
Tel: (604) 556-3003 Toll Free: 1-800-661-9903
Fax: (604) 556-3010

Fur Farm Licence Application: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/lhmr/forms/fur_farm.pdf

Animal Disease Control Act

This Act, administered by the Provincial Veterinarian, provides a statutory authority to limit the spread of contagious diseases in animals, including aquatic animals. Discussed are the duties and powers of inspectors appointed under the Act, obligations of owners of animals and quarantine procedures (BC Reg. 150/66).

Primary Contact

Ministry of Agriculture
Livestock Health, Management & Regulations
1767 Angus Campbell Rd.
Abbotsford, BC, V3G-2M3
Toll Free: 1-877-877-2474
Fax: (604) 556-3015

Verified: July 2007