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Premier's e-Newsletter Updates

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December 2007
<p><strong>In this edition</strong> - Highlights of 2007 include putting greenhouse gas reduction targets into law and forming the Climate Action Team, reaching important treaty milestones in building the New Relationship with First Nations, Premier Gordon Campbell's trade mission to China and India to promote B.C. as Canada's Pacific Gateway, major economic successes including 31-year record low unemployment levels, and significant health care investments.</p>

In this edition - Highlights of 2007 include putting greenhouse gas reduction targets into law and forming the Climate Action Team, reaching important treaty milestones in building the New Relationship with First Nations, Premier Gordon Campbell's trade mission to China and India to promote B.C. as Canada's Pacific Gateway, major economic successes including 31-year record low unemployment levels, and significant health care investments.

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November 2007
<p><strong>In this edition</strong> - Premier Campbell announces a treaty with the Maa-nulth First Nations, the first multi-First Nation treaty and the first on Vancouver Island. He also introduces Climate Action legislation and the Climate Action Team as the Province works toward the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in B.C. by 33 per cent by 2020.</p>

In this edition - Premier Campbell announces a treaty with the Maa-nulth First Nations, the first multi-First Nation treaty and the first on Vancouver Island. He also introduces Climate Action legislation and the Climate Action Team as the Province works toward the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in B.C. by 33 per cent by 2020.

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September 2007
<p><strong>In this edition</strong> - Premier Campbell announces major steps toward ongoing efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, enlists B.C. communities in the effort to tackle climate change, and welcomes climate change crusader Al Gore to B.C.</p>

In this edition - Premier Campbell announces major steps toward ongoing efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, enlists B.C. communities in the effort to tackle climate change, and welcomes climate change crusader Al Gore to B.C.

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August 2007
<p><strong>In this edition</strong> - Premier Campbell unveils a new tourism centre for the Interior, opens &ndash; ahead of schedule &ndash; a new bridge in the Kootenays, and encourages a British Columbian in her bid to be the next Canadian Idol.</p>

In this edition - Premier Campbell unveils a new tourism centre for the Interior, opens – ahead of schedule – a new bridge in the Kootenays, and encourages a British Columbian in her bid to be the next Canadian Idol.

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July 2007
<p><strong>In this edition</strong> - Honouring the lives lost in the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182, celebrating the Tsawwassen First Nations historic treaty vote, and looking at a new stretch of Sea-to-Sky Highway.</p>

In this edition - Honouring the lives lost in the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182, celebrating the Tsawwassen First Nations historic treaty vote, and looking at a new stretch of Sea-to-Sky Highway.

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