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June 5, 2001
Geoff Plant and Premier Campbell.

Geoff Plant and Premier Campbell.

June 2001 Photos
2001-06-05 - Geoff Plant and Premier Campbell.
2001-06-05 - Premier Gordon Campbell was sworn in today and unveiled a structure for government and Cabinet that is designed to make his government the most open and accountable in Canada.
2001-06-05 - Premier in Media scrum.
2001-06-05 - The Executive Council of the Government of British Columbia with the Lieutenant-Governor.
2001-06-05 - Premier Campbell takes Oath.
2001-06-05 - Premier Campbell applauds.
2001-06-05 - Lieutenant-Governor Garde Gardom and Premier Gordon Campbell.
2001-06-05 - Lieutenant-Governor swearing-in the Executive Council of the Government of British Columbia.