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January 29, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell (right) meets with New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg during the premier's visit to the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in New York the week of Jan. 29, 2002. The premier was invited to serve as a panellist for one of the forum's workshops, Bolstering Competitiveness Strategies in Advanced Economies. He also served as rapporteur at the forum's East Asia Economic Summit in Hong Kong in October 2001.

Premier Gordon Campbell (right) meets with New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg during the premier's visit to the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in New York the week of Jan. 29, 2002. The premier was invited to serve as a panellist for one of the forum's workshops, Bolstering Competitiveness Strategies in Advanced Economies. He also served as rapporteur at the forum's East Asia Economic Summit in Hong Kong in October 2001.

January 2002 Photos
2002-01-29 - Premier Gordon Campbell (right) meets with New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg during the premier's visit to the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in New York the week of Jan. 29, 2002. The premier was invited to serve as a panellist for one of the forum's workshops, Bolstering Competitiveness Strategies in Advanced Economies. He also served as rapporteur at the forum's East Asia Economic Summit in Hong Kong in October 2001.
2002-01-25 - All 13 Canadian premiers, flanked by their flags, celebrate a successful conference in Vancouver Jan. 25. From left: Paul Okalik, Nunavut; Pat Duncan, Yukon; Ralph Klein, Alberta; Patrick Binns, Prince Edward Island; Gary Doer, Manitoba; John Hamm, Nova Scotia; Michael Harris, Ontario; Bernard Landry, Quebec; Bernard Lord, New Brunswick; Gordon Campbell, British Columbia; Lorne Calvert, Saskatchewan; Roger Grimes, Newfoundland and Labrador; Stephen Kakfwi, Northwest Territories.
2002-01-24 - Premier Gordon Campbell at the unimike the first day of the Provincial-Territorial Premiers' Meeting held in Vancouver Jan. 24 and 25, 2002, to discuss progress made on health-care issues, talking to national media.
2002-01-24 - Premier Campbell addresses the conference, while Ontario Premier Mike Harris listens.
2002-01-24 - At the final news conference, Premier Gordon Campbell outlines the premiers' progress on health-care issues.
2002-01-24 - Premier Gordon Campbell at the unimike the first day of the Provincial-Territorial Premiers' Meeting held in Vancouver Jan. 24 and 25, 2002, to discuss progress made on health-care issues, talking to national media.
2002-01-24 - Premier Campbell shakes hands with Quebec Premier Bernard Landry.
2002-01-24 - Eleven of Canada's premiers, who met in Vancouver Jan. 24 and 25. From left, Paul Okalik, Nunavut; Ralph Klein, Alberta; Pat Binns, Prince Edward Island; Gary Doer, Manitoba; John Hamm, Nova Scotia; Mike Harris, Ontario; Gordon Campbell, British Columbia; Bernard Landry, Quebec; Bernard Lord, New Brunswick; Lorne Calvert, Saskatchewan; Roger Grimes, Newfoundland and Labrador.
2002-01-21 - At the launch, Premier Gordon Campbell stressed the importance of creating partnerships with the private sector, to strengthen B.C.'s growing research industry and to attract top researchers to the province.
2002-01-21 - The Rick Hansen Institute and the University of British Columbia are the first recipients of a B.C. leadership chair. Partners in the B.C. leadership chair for spinal cord research joined Premier Campbell in celebrating this advancement in research. Left to right: Dr. John Steeves, director of the international spinal cord research centre, Premier Gordon Campbell, Minister Rick Thorpe, Minister Shirley Bond, UBC President Dr. Martha Piper and Rick Hansen (front), president and CEO of the Rick Hansen Institute.
2002-01-21 - Rick Hansen thanked the government for contributing to the important challenge of finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, and praised the work of Dr. John Steeves, who will head up the new international spinal cord research centre.