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May 29, 2003
Jeff Mallett, owner of Yahoo!, meets with Premier Campbell on Thursday, May 29. Mallett was in town speaking to the Victoria Chamber of Commerce on his new venture ... baseball.

Jeff Mallett, owner of Yahoo!, meets with Premier Campbell on Thursday, May 29. Mallett was in town speaking to the Victoria Chamber of Commerce on his new venture ... baseball.

May 2003 Photos
2003-05-29 - Jeff Mallett, owner of Yahoo!, meets with Premier Campbell on Thursday, May 29. Mallett was in town speaking to the Victoria Chamber of Commerce on his new venture ... baseball.
2003-05-25 - Premier Gordon Campbell joins MLAs from Burnaby to show their support for the 19th annual World Partnership Walk, which will take place in Victoria and Vancouver on May 25, 2003 to increase awareness and raise funds to fight global poverty. From left to right are: Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy; Burnaby-Edmonds MLA Patty Sahota; Premier Campbell; Burnaby-Willingdon MLA John Nuraney; and Burnaby North MLA Richard Lee.
2003-05-23 - Premier Gordon Campbell announces $611 million in new capital funding over the next three years for school districts all across British Columbia. Seven new schools will be constructed while another 30 will be replaced or extensively upgraded. Roughly half the funding will go towards school maintenance in all 60 districts.
2003-05-23 - Premier Gordon Campbell unveils a three-year, $611 million package for school capital projects. The announcement took place May 23, 2003 at Steveston Secondary School. Joining the premier, from right to left, is Richmond-Steveston MLA Geoff Plant, Steveston Secondary principal Dieter Momeyer, Richmond school board chair Annie McKitrick, and Education Minister Christy Clark.
2003-05-22 - Premier Gordon Campbell addresses the Mining Association of British Columbia in Vancouver on May 22, 2003 to announce the new $2.1-million Rocks to riches program. In partnership with the mining industry and the federal government, the program will provide geoscience surveys needed to increase mineral exploration and investment throughout B.C.
2003-05-22 - Premier Gordon Campbell (right) joins federal Natural Resources Minister Herb Dhaliwal to announce $84.5 million in provincial and federal funding for 35 "green" infrastructure improvement projects in Vancouver May 22, 2003. Under the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program, the federal, provincial and local governments will invest a total of $800 million in municipal infrastructure in urban and rural communities across the province.
2003-05-21 - Premier Gordon Campbell launches the Success By 6 partnership with the United Way and Credit Union Central of B.C. to enhance support for parents and improve early learning for young children. From left to right are: Minister of State for Early Childhood Development Linda Reid, Credit Union Central of B.C. CEO Wayne Nygren, and Premier Campbell.
2003-05-21 - Premier Campbell and Minister of State Linda Reid are joined by two children for the signing of an MOU to establish the Success By 6 partnership. The province's $10-million investment will be used by the United Way and savings and credit unions across B.C. to mobilize volunteer, financial or other types of contributions that can be matched by the Success By 6 partnership fund. From left to right are: Minister of Children and Family Development Gordon Hogg, Minister of State Linda Reid, Lower Mainland United Way Chair Ron Dumouchelle, Credit Union Central of B.C. CEO Wayne Nygren, and Premier Campbell.
2003-05-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell announces $2 million from B.C. research partners to enhance the Leading Edge Endowment Fund in Vancouver on May 20, 2003. A $500,000 donation by Dr. Donald Rix will establish the Rix Family Leading Edge Student Awards to provide scholarships to students working closely with each of the leadership chairs established by the leading Edge Endowment Fund. Another $1.5 million in funding was donated by John and Penny Ryan and the Rick Hansen Man In Motion Foundation to enhance the first leadership chair in spinal cord research at UBC.
2003-05-20 - Premier Campbell celebrates the first anniversary of the $45-million Leading Edge Endowment Fund to advance research in B.C. Back row from left to right are: Laurie Rix; Premier Campbell; Dr. John Steeves, holder of the first B.C. Leadership Chair in spinal cord research; Eleanor Rix; Dr. Donald Rix; and Dr. Martha Salcudean, chair of the Leading Edge Endowment Fund. Dr. Rix donated $500,000 to establish the new Rix Family Leading Edge Student Awards. In the front row are Penny and John Ryan, who donated $400,000 to enhance the John and Penny Ryan B.C. Leadership Chair in Spinal Cord Injury Research, named in honour of their contribution.
2003-05-20 - Premier Campbell congratulates the first three recipients of the Rix Family Leading Edge Student Awards. From left to right are: Anthony Choo, a PhD student in UBC's department of mechanical engineering; Carmen Chan, a third-year graduate student in neuroscience at UBC; Premier Campbell; and Erica Botner, a master's student in rehabilitation sciences at UBC.
2003-05-14 - Premier Campbell celebrates Chinese Heritage Day with members of the Chinese community.
2003-05-14 - Premier Campbell celebrates Chinese Heritage Day with members of the Chinese community.
2003-05-14 - Premier Gordon Campbell addresses many special guests from the Chinese community - including the consul general of the People's Republic of China and several entertainers and artisans - in celebration of Chinese Heritage Day. A celebration of Asian heritage was held on May 14, 2003 in the Legislative Buildings in Victoria. The celebration included displays of music, calligraphy, dancing and arts as well as sampling of traditional Chinese food and delicacies.
2003-05-08 - Premier Gordon Campbell is joined by Canadian World War II veterans to announce a $1-million donation from the people of British Columbia to the Juno Beach Centre, a new facility that will honour the role of Canadian women and men in the war.
2003-05-08 - Premier Gordon Campbell announces the opening of the completed inpatient tower in the Jim Pattison Pavilion at Vancouver General Hospital on May 8, 2003. VGH inpatient services will be consolidated in the tower, saving millions of dollars that can be reinvested in patient care. With the Premier is Jim Pattison, who donated $20 million over seven years to help establish a centre of excellence in prostate research.
2003-05-08 - Premier Gordon Campbell speaks with representatives of B.C.'s mental health community at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new $19-million Child, Adolescent and Women's Mental Health Building in Vancouver on May 8, 2003. The new centre will provide improved service for B.C. families coping with mental illness.
2003-05-08 - Premier Gordon Campbell watches as His Royal Highness the Duke of York takes part in the sod-turning for the new Child, Adolescent and Women's Mental Health Building to be constructed at B.C. Children's Hospital.
2003-05-07 - Premier Gordon Campbell helps launch the new line of Roots clothing in support of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Bid in Toronto on May 7, 2003. From left to right are: Canadian Olympic snowboarding gold medallist Ross Rebagliati; Roots co-founder Michael Budman; Premier Campbell; and Canadian Olympic speed-skating gold medallist Catriona LeMay-Doan.
2003-05-02 - Premier Gordon Campbell speaks to the Okanagan Mainline Municipal Association annual conference in Penticton on May 2, 2003, where he talked about economic opportunities in the Okanagan and announced a $15.6-million improvement project for Highway 97 near Summerland.