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July 30, 2004
Premier Campbell and his counterparts from across Canada outlined the Council of the Federation's Action Plan for improving health care at a meeting in Ontario.

Premier Campbell and his counterparts from across Canada outlined the Council of the Federation's Action Plan for improving health care at a meeting in Ontario.

July 2004 Photos
2004-07-30 - Premier Campbell and his counterparts from across Canada outlined the Council of the Federation's Action Plan for improving health care at a meeting in Ontario.
2004-07-18 - Premier Campbell gives out Spirit of 2010 pins at the 2004 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk With the Dragon fundraiser in Stanley Park.
2004-07-18 - Premier Campbell shares Spirit of 2010 pins with walkers at the Walk With the Dragon event to raise funds for programs to help new Chinese Canadians participate fully in B.C. culture.
2004-07-14 - Minister Sindi Hawkins accompanied Premier Gordon Campbell as he challenged British Columbians to join him in donating blood.