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August 30, 2007
Premier Gordon Campbell and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon surround a plaque marking the new 90-metre-high Park Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway in the Kicking Horse Canyon. The Park Bridge replaces the original structure constructed in 1956 and is part of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project. The project involves upgrading the 26-km section of highway between Golden and the western boundary of Yoho National Park to a modern four-lane standard with a design speed of 100 kilometres per hour, improving safety and efficiency on the key route. Additional upgrades include improved roadway alignments, replacement of narrow bridge structures, and other design innovations to reduce hazards. The route carries over 9,000 vehicles per day during the summer and traffic is expected to increase by 50 per cent over the next 25 years. Twenty four per cent is heavy truck traffic - five times the provincial average.

Premier Gordon Campbell and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon surround a plaque marking the new 90-metre-high Park Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway in the Kicking Horse Canyon. The Park Bridge replaces the original structure constructed in 1956 and is part of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project. The project involves upgrading the 26-km section of highway between Golden and the western boundary of Yoho National Park to a modern four-lane standard with a design speed of 100 kilometres per hour, improving safety and efficiency on the key route. Additional upgrades include improved roadway alignments, replacement of narrow bridge structures, and other design innovations to reduce hazards. The route carries over 9,000 vehicles per day during the summer and traffic is expected to increase by 50 per cent over the next 25 years. Twenty four per cent is heavy truck traffic - five times the provincial average.

August 2007 Photos
2007-08-30 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon surround a plaque marking the new 90-metre-high Park Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway in the Kicking Horse Canyon. The Park Bridge replaces the original structure constructed in 1956 and is part of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project. The project involves upgrading the 26-km section of highway between Golden and the western boundary of Yoho National Park to a modern four-lane standard with a design speed of 100 kilometres per hour, improving safety and efficiency on the key route. Additional upgrades include improved roadway alignments, replacement of narrow bridge structures, and other design innovations to reduce hazards. The route carries over 9,000 vehicles per day during the summer and traffic is expected to increase by 50 per cent over the next 25 years. Twenty four per cent is heavy truck traffic - five times the provincial average.
2007-08-24 - Premier Campbell was on hand Aug. 24 in Vancouver to offer his congratulations to Carly Rae Jepsen, and to lend his support to her bid to become the next Idol. A student and waitress when she's not performing, Jepsen will next appear on the Aug. 27 Canadian Idol show.
2007-08-09 - At the Council of the Federation's 2007 meeting Aug. 8-10, Premier Gordon Campbell shared his thoughts on Canada's energy future with his provincial and territorial colleagues. Canada's premiers together released A Shared Vision for Energy in Canada, a plan that highlights the importance of energy conservation, supply, demand and infrastructure to Canada's continued prosperity.
2007-08-09 - New Brunwsick Premier Shawn Graham and Moncton musicians introduce Premier Gordon Campbell to New Brunswick exuberance.

Playing the spoons with Moncton musicians are British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell (left) and New Brunswick Premier Graham (second from left). Premier Graham hosted the 2007 meeting of the Council of the Federation, which Canada's provincial and territorial leaders created in 2003 so provinces and territories can play a leadership role in revitalizing the Canadian federation and building a more constructive and co-operative federal system.
2007-08-09 - On August 9, premiers discussed areas in which they can collaborate with VANOC to help make the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in British Columbia a success. Sport development, culture, volunteerism, tourism and economic development form the basis of memoranda signed at the 2007 meeting of the Council of the Federation in Moncton, New Brunswick.