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March 26, 2007
Premier Gordon Campbell kicked off Education Week in B.C. by joining Education Minister Shirley Bond to recognize students, teachers and administrators from 8 B.C. schools for their innovative approaches to improving education across the province.

Premier Gordon Campbell kicked off Education Week in B.C. by joining Education Minister Shirley Bond to recognize students, teachers and administrators from 8 B.C. schools for their innovative approaches to improving education across the province.

March 2007 Photos
2007-03-26 - Premier Gordon Campbell kicked off Education Week in B.C. by joining Education Minister Shirley Bond to recognize students, teachers and administrators from 8 B.C. schools for their innovative approaches to improving education across the province.
2007-03-26 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by students, teachers and school administrators at the Legislature to kick off Education Week in B.C.
2007-03-16 - Premier Campbell met with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss how B.C. and California can work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through projects like the hydrogen highway.
2007-03-13 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined Prime Minister Stephen Harper to view a hydrogen fuel cell car in Vancouver, where the Prime Minister announced B.C. will receive $199.3 million from the federal government's new Canada ecoTrust fund to support projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.