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Premier's Podcasts

The following are RSS feeds to B.C. Government Podcasts. You can subscribe to each of these podcasts by copying the feeds to your RSS reader.

Premier Gordon Campbell's Video Podcasts Premier Gordon Campbell's Video Podcasts - MP4 video files, playable on an iPOD.

Premier Gordon Campbell's Audio Podcasts Premier Gordon Campbell's Audio Podcasts - This feed includes audio files of speeches and radio messages.

Click here for more information about RSS.

What are Podcasts?

Podcasts are digital audio or video files that can be downloaded and listened to on a computer at any time, or downloaded and copied directly to a device such as an IPOD or other audio/video player.

You can subscribe to the B.C. government's podcasts using software like iTunes, which will automatically download each new podcast as soon as it is live.

Once the podcast is on your computer, you can listen to it there using your favourite media player, or transfer it onto your MP3 player or iPOD to listen to it on the go.

Getting Started with Podcasting

There are three steps involved in setting up your personal computer to receive podcasts.

1. Get some podcast software

You need to install a piece of software which will search the web to find the latest video and automatically deliver it to your computer.

This software is usually free, and these three are popular:

List of podcast software on

(Always read the set-up and help guides for new software). The Government of British Columbia is not responsible for the content of external websites.

2. Subscribe to the podcasts you want

Once you have the software installed you can subscribe to some podcasts.

How you do this will vary depending on which software you have chosen. Here is a rough guide to how this might work:

  • If you have iTunes

    You can subscribe to some podcasts through the iTunes Podcast Directory.

    If you can't find the podcast that you want in iTunes then you can follow the same method as outlined below for Juice, Doppler and other podcast software.

  • If you have Juice, Doppler or other podcast software

    If you have Juice, Doppler or another piece of software then this is likely to be the method you will need to follow. This is also the case if you can't find the podcast you want in iTunes.

    In all of these cases you need to add the "feed" of the podcast to your software. The feed is really just the address of the podcast, which the software will go to each time it wants to check for a new episode.

    You can find the feed for a government podcast by clicking on the orange Podcast button Podcast Icon. The feed address will appear in the address bar of your Internet browser.

    You will need to copy this feed address and paste it into your podcast software. How you do this will depend on your software, but you should look out for buttons or links that say "Add" or "Subscribe".

3. Listen to the audio or watch the video

When a new video becomes available for the podcast you have subscribed to, your software will automatically download it. For audio, you can then listen to this podcast on your computer or transfer it to your portable player to listen to later. The video files should play on your computer but will only play on certain portable players and mobile phones (the video is in mp4 format). Please check with the manufacturer of your device.

You may want to check the settings of your podcast software for details including how often it will check for new episodes, whether it will keep old episodes for you etc. This will vary depending on the software you have chosen, and your personal preferences.

If you decide that you no longer want to receive video podcast then it should be very easy to unsubscribe. Again, how you do this will depend on your software, but you should look for "Clear", "Unsubscribe", or "Delete Feed" options.