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Premier's RSS News Feed

Office of the Premier RSS feed Subscribe to the Premier's RSS feed

The technology behind the new service is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). The Premier's News feeds are RSS version 2.0.

RSS will provide headlines, summaries of the news article and links to the full text documents.

When a news item arrives, you will receive a headline and brief summary. The headline will be a hyperlink to the full news release located on the government website. If you close your news reader, you will not be advised of updates until the next time you open it.

What is RSS?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way to distribute and receive headlines and other web content to your desktop. Instead of having to go back to a website to see what's new, you can have new information delivered to you.

The RSS feeds allow you to receive up-to-the-minute announcements from the B.C. government on your computer desktop. Why use RSS?

There are a number of benefits to using RSS, including:

  • You select what news you want. RSS allows you to select the type of news and information you receive from websites.
  • You can subscribe to ministry news, theme news, or government-wide news.
  • You determine when you get your news. Once you download your news reader, you can customize it to go and fetch the news every five minutes, or every hour - depending on how you want it.
  • Cut down on SPAM. Because RSS requires you to download a news reader, you aren't subscribing to e-mail lists, which can increase your risk of getting unwanted SPAM e-mail.

Getting started with RSS

Step 1: Click here for instructions on how to download an RSS reader.

Step 2: Subscribe to One or More News Feeds:

  • After your news reader is installed, click on one or more of the RSS buttons below to subscribe to the feed(s) you want.
  • Check that you have set your reader to go and fetch the news at the intervals you want, whether that’s every five minutes, or every hour.