Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater


    Honourable J. Armand DesRoches

About the Commission

The focus of the Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater is to develop a strategy to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater and surface water. Nitrate is the most common chemical contaminant to water in Prince Edward Island. There has been a steady increase in nitrate concentrations in some Island streams over the last 20 to 30 years. Nitrate levels in private wells in some areas of the province have also increased.

There has already been considerable research and public discussion on the topic of nitrate contamination in water. The Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater will review and assess current information, consult with (or invite input from) Islanders, and recommend options to reduce nitrate contamination in water.  The solutions that are identified will involve government, landowners, industry and the public – working together, with a shared commitment to reducing nitrate levels in our water.

The Honourable Armand DesRoches, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island Trial Division, is chair of the Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater.  Commission members bring a broad range of experience and expertise to the table. Darlene Bernard is chief of Lennox Island First Nation; Dr. John MacLeod is a retired research scientist who has done extensive research on soil fertility and nutrient cycling; Dr. Heather Morrison is the province’s Chief Health Officer; and Stuart Affleck is a retired potato producer.

Government has assigned a secretariat to provide research and administrative support to the Commission   Over the coming weeks, Justice DesRoches and the Commission members will invite written submissions and presentations from individuals and groups with a particular interest or expertise in nitrates.
The Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater will report to the Premier by June 2008. The Premier has made the commitment to table the report in the Legislature.

Commission Members:

    Chief Darlene Bernard
    Dr. John MacLeod
    Dr. Heather Morrison
    Mr. Stuart Affleck


Contact info:

    P.O. Box 2000 Charlottetown, C1A 7N8



Phone :   620-3357

Christine MacKinnon,

Tony Sturz,    

The Official Commission on Nitrates in PEI Groundwater website.
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