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Healthy Child Development


Premier's Council on Healthy Child Development

Champions for Children Awards Program
Formulaire de mise en candidature Champions des enfants
In November 2000 Premier Pat Binns announced that he would establish a Premier’s Council on Healthy Child Development as one demonstration of the provincial government’s commitment to the Healthy Child Development Strategy — and to young children and their families.

The Council’s role is to advise the Premier on issues affecting young children in PEI. The Council will be monitoring the implementation of the Strategy by monitoring how well children in PEI are doing, and whether the various measurements we use to study child development are showing that we’re making progress. The Council will be concentrating specifically on child outcomes in the four areas identified by the Healthy Child Development Strategy — safety and security, good health, success at learning, and social belonging and responsibility.

The Premier's Council on Healthy Child Development members include Dr. David Wong - Chair, Cindy Shepard, Alice Taylor, Charles Sark, BJ Willis and Frank MacAulay.

For further information, please contact Sarah Henry Gallant, Healthy Child Development Coordinator at 368-6513 or

Each fall, the Premier's Council hosts a Think Tank on Healthy Child Development in Charlottetown.

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