Government of Yukon


Circles of Respect and Equality (C.O.R.E)
A multi-year awareness campaign focusing on zero tolerance of violence against women and children. C.O.R.E. has also developed a number of resources to assist women leaving abusive relations.

Crime Prevention Funding Program
Projects that provide services and information to victims of crime and projects that reduce the incidence of crime, address root causes, prevent violence against women and publicize information about crime prevention are eligible for funding.

Family Violence Prevention Unit
Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention unit offers support services and professional help to victims of crime and abuse.

Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women
$100,000 yearly for programs and events designed and developed by Aboriginal women for their communities. Works to eliminate violence against Aboriginal women.

Teen Parent Program
The Teen Parent program provides a supportive environment to help young parents finish high school. It teaches parenting skills, as well as healthy meal preparation, money management and effective job-search techniques.

Women's Directorate Resource Library
More than 2,800 books, reports, manuals, journals and video are availble for borrowing by the public. The library is open to the public during regular business hours and material can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Women's Groups
Find listings for Women's groups, shelters, transition homes and Women's Centres.