Government of Yukon


Access to Information & Protection of Privacy
Gives people a formal method of requesting information from Yukon government departments. Individuals can also request corrections to their own personal information contained in Yukon government records. Find application forms here.

Accident Claims
How to file a claim against the Yukon government.

Asset Control
The Material Management Unit helps government departments, agencies and crown corporations manage and dispose of publicly-owned property.

Boards and Committees
A complete listing of all boards and committees is found in the directory. The Boards and Committees handbook has complete lists of current members. You can also find the nomination and application forms for boards and committees here.

Building Design Standards
Performance criteria, preferred materials or methods, and other considerations for the design and construction of Yukon Government buildings.

Contract Services
Advertises public tenders and requests for proposals, issues and processes tender/proposal documents, manages the preliminary review of bids and proposals, and administers contract insurance, bid deposits, contractor payments and holdbacks.

Gazette Subscriptions
Get copies of the Yukon Gazette from Queen’s Printer (Legislative Subscriptions) or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Hansard Search
Get copies of Hansard from Queen’s Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Inquiry Desk - bilingual
To find the government service you are looking for, contact the Inquiry Desk: 867-667-5811 or toll-free (within Yukon) 1-800-661-0408.

Includes public libraries, government libraries and school, college and education-based libraries.

The central authority for buying goods for all departments and agencies. Supports the development and expansion of local manufacturing by purchasing local products when feasible and economically viable.

Telephone book (Yukon government staff listings)
Search for employees online or get copies of the government telephone directory from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Territorial Agents
Provide a range of government services in communities. Are located in government liquor store buildings in five communities.