ppsr search
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Personal Property Security Registry Search   
Welcome to the Yukon Government's Online Search of the Personal Property Security Registry (PPSR).

Yukon’s Personal Property Security Registry provides public notice of registered security interests (liens) between secured parties (creditors) and debtors.

Personal property may include any type of property other than interests in real estate (land) registered in Land Titles Branch.

For example, personal property, as collateral, can be motor vehicles, furniture, corporate account receivables, snowmobiles, company assets, motor homes, inventory, mobile homes on leased lots, insurance proceeds or farm equipment.

Registration of personal property liens is divided into two categories: Collateral with Serial Numbers or General Collateral.

Collateral with Serial Numbers refers to that category of personal property considered to be mobile – aircraft, cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trucks, buses, mobile homes (on leased lots), motor homes, trailers, vans, and similar.

General Collateral refers to any personal property other than Serial Numbered goods.

This website strictly performs Non-Certified searches ($7.50 per search). For Certified searches or PPSR registrations, please contact Corporate Affairs.

The information on the search reports accurately reflects registrations under the Personal Property Security Act against the names or serial numbers shown on the reports as of February 05, 2008. No representations are made as to the existence of registrations in names spelled or numbers written other than exactly as set out in the reports. No representations are made as to the existence or effect of documents tendered for registration after the date mentioned above.