Yukon Workers' Compensation Health & Safety Board
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About Us

Board of Directors

The Minister responsible for the Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board appoints eight to ten members.  The Minister consults with stakeholders about these appointments.  The board administers two acts: the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

The Chair and Alternate Chair are non-voting positions:
Craig Tuton Chair
Vicki Hancock Alternate Chair


The board voting membership includes:

Gary Annau Representative of Employers
Don Frizzell Representative of Employers
Michelle Kolla Representative of Workers
Barb Evans Representative of Workers
Non-voting board members;
Valerie Royle President and CEO
Ed Sumner Chair of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal


  • determines the level of compensation benefits payable to injured workers;
  • determines the kind of rehabilitation services to be provided;
  • encourages and enforces workplace and worker health and safety standards and practises;
  • establishes assessment classification and assessment rates for employers;
  • determines the required liability reserve level of the Compensation Fund;
  • approves the YWCHSB’s investment strategy; and
  • establishes standards for administrative options

The Board also:

  • recommends the appointment of the President and evaluates their performance
  • determines and reviews the strategic direction, major activities and plans of YWCHSB;
  • ensures the financial integrity of the Compensation Fund and approves important financial decisions;
  • approves assessment rates and rebate programs;
  • approves operational plans, annual operating and capital budgets; and
  • approves policy recommendations developed and recommended by the President