Nova Scotia Business ToolkitLocate in Nova Scotia

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To request records classified as “Available Upon Request” under our Routine Access Policy please contact:

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Coordinator Government Relations / FOIPOP
Nova Scotia Business Inc.

P.O. Box 2374
Halifax, NS B3J 3E4
Tel: 902.424.6650
Toll Free in Nova Scotia: 1.877.297.2124
Toll Free in North America: 1.800.260.6682

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Corporate Disclosure
Routine Access Policy

NSBI’s Routine Access Policy is a proactive approach to information access.  It provides access to more frequently requested categories of records upon request without the need for a formal application under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Icon - Download    Routine Access Policy (PDF, 51 KB)

The Routine Access Policy provides a list of records available on a routine access basis.

Icon - Download    List of Available Records (PDF, 51 KB)

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
To request access to records not listed under our Routine Access Policy, a formal application may be submitted under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Act.  To obtain information about the FOIPOP application process and related fees please contact our Coordinator Government Relations / FOIPOP.