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Get Home Safe (formerly Safe Ride Home)

Get Home Safe brochure cover

Wine and beer festivals are popular events and great fundraising opportunities. To ensure the event runs smoothly, BC Liquor Stores will help festival organizers implement a Safe Ride Home program for festival patrons.

The program, which was successfully launched at the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival in 1997, gives festival organizers the opportunity to distribute free public transit bus tickets to festival patrons.

For more information about Get Home Safe, please call 604-252-3132 or use the downloadable PDF guidelines and application form below and fax to the Get Home Safe co-ordinator at 604-252-3099.

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Get Home Safe Q&A

Who is eligible for Get Home Safe assistance?

Your event must be for the purposes of charitable fundraising and the location must be accessible by Translink for events in greater Vancouver and BC Transit for events on Vancouver Island and the remainder of the province. Event organizers must promote public transit use to the event, as well as BC Liquor Stores' Get Home Safe program, in all pre-event and event materials such as posters, guides and flyers. Organizers must provide volunteers to staff a booth from which the Translink/BC Transit bus tickets will be distributed to patrons.

How does the program work?

If your event meets the Safe Ride Home program criteria, we recommend that you submit an application form requesting support. If your application is approved, Translink/BC Transit bus tickets valid for use during the event will be provided. If all public transit tickets not distributed at the event must be returned within five business days to the LDB. For more information about setting up a Get Home Safe program at your event, download the form above or call the Get Home Safe co-ordinator at 604-252-3132.

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