Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Birds of the Island


Good Birding Locations

WE HAVE IDENTIFIED the locations on this list as good places to start your Prince Edward Island birding adventure. Of course there's no guarantee that you'll see all of the species indicated when you visit these locations; use your field checklist as a guide. Click on any location for additional information..

   Rollo Bay

      Great Blue Heron

Beach Point

   Beach Point

      Great Blue Heron

Brackley Beach

   Brackley Bay

      Great Blue Heron



      Great Blue Heron


   Charlottetown Harbour including Riverside Drive

      Bald Eagle
      Barrow's Goldeneye
      Bonaparte's Gull
      Common Murre

   Ellen's Creek

      Red-breasted Merganser



      Great Blue Heron

East Point

   East Point

      Canada Goose
      Common Eider
      Great Cormorant


   Walls Scenic Heritage Road

      Belted Kingfisher

Head of Hillsborough

   Hillsborough River

      Great Blue Heron

Indian River

   Indian River

      Great Blue Heron

Judes Point

   Founders Lane/Judes Point (The Green)

      Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
      Northern Parula

   Judes Point

      Great Blue Heron

Launching Harbour

   Launching Harbour

      Great Blue Heron

Little Harbour

   Little Harbour Beach Road

      Bald Eagle
      Northern Pintail

Malpeque Bay

   Malpeque Bay

      Canada Goose
      Great Blue Heron



      Great Blue Heron

Murray River

   Murray River

      Bald Eagle


   Naufrage Harbour

      Bald Eagle
      Great Blue Heron

New Harmony

   New Harmony Demonstration Woodlot

      Black-throated Blue Warbler
      Ruffed Grouse

New London Bay

   New London Bay

      Great Blue Heron

North Cape

   North Cape and the Black Marsh

      Black Guillemot
      Common Eider
      King Eider
      Northern Gannet



      Great Blue Heron


   MacPhail Woods

      Black-throated Green Warbler
      Brown Creeper
      Red-Breasted Nuthatch


      Great Blue Heron

Point Prim

   Point Prim

      Great Blue Heron

Pownal Bay

   Pownal Bay

      Great Blue Heron

Rice Point

   Rice Point

      Great Blue Heron



      Great Blue Heron

St. Peters Bay

   St. Peters Bay

      Great Blue Heron

Tracadie Harbour

   Tracadie Harbour

      Great Blue Heron
      Ruddy Turnstone

Trout River

   Trout River at Coleman Trail

      Common Snipe
      Ruffed Grouse

Tryon River

   Tryon River

      Canada Goose
      Great Blue Heron
      Northern Pintail
      Snow Goose

Webber Cove

   Webber Cove

      Great Blue Heron
      Red Knot

Wood Islands

   Wood Islands

      Great Blue Heron

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